"These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." -JOHN xvi. 33.
O THOU, the primal fount of life and peace,
Who shedd'st Thy breathing quiet all around.
In me command that pain and conflict cease,
And turn to music every jarring sound.
ACCUSTOM yourself to unreasonableness and injustice. Abide in peace in the presence of God, who sees all these evils more clearly than you do, and who permits them. Be content with doing with calmness the little which depends upon yourself, and let all else be to you as if it were not.
IT is rare when injustice, or slights patiently borne, do not leave the heart at the close of the day filled with marvelous joy and peace.