"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. -PS. xl. 1
"Tribulation worketh patience; and patience. experience; and experience, hope." -ROM. v. 3, 4.
LORD, we have wandered forth through doubt and sorrow,
And Thou hast made each step an onward one;
And we will ever trust each unknown morrow,-
Thou wilt sustain us till its work is done.
IT is possible, when the fututre is dim, when our depressed faculties can form no bright ideas of the perfection and happiness of a better world, -it is possible still to cling to the conviction of God's merciful purpose towards His creatures, of His parental goodness even in suffering; still to feel that the path of duty, though trodden with a heavy heart, leads to peace; still to be true to conscience; still to do our work, to resist temptation, to be usefulm though with diminished energy, to give up our wills when we cannot rejoice under God's mysteriously providence. In this patient, though uncheered obedience, we become prepared for light. Thy soul gathers force.