Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3

"The Lord is good, a strong-hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him." 
-NAHUM i. 7.

LEAVE God to order all thy ways,
And hope in Him, whate'er betide.
Thou'lt find Him in the evil days
Thy all-sufficient strength and guide;
Who trusts in God's unchanging love,
Builds on the rock that nought can move.


OUR whole trouble in our lot in this world rises from the disagreement of our mind therewith. Let the mind be brought to the lot, and the whole tumult is instantly hushed; let it be kept in that disposition, and the man shall stand at ease, in his affliction, like a rock unmoved with waters beating upon it.


HOW does our will become sanctified? By conforming itself unreservedly to that of God. We will all that He wills, and will nothing that He does not will; we attach our feeble will to that all-powerfull will which performs everything. Thus, nothing can ever come to pass against our will; for nothing can happen save that which God wills, and we find in His good pleasure an inexhaustible source of peace and consolation.
It is always better to help others even in a simple ways, it could be simple for you but great for others. Always share the good news.