Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13

"In all things we are more than conquerors through Him tha loved us." -ROM. viii. 37.

THUS my soul before her God
Lieth still, nor speaketh more,
Conquer tthus o'er pain and wrong,
That once smote her to the core;
Lika silent ocean, bright
With her God's great praise and light.

-WINKLER, 1713

MY mind is forever cosed against embarassment and perplexity, against uncertainty, doubt and anxiety; my heart against grief ad desire. Calm and unmoved, I look down on all things, for I  know that I cannot explain asingle event, nor comprehend its connexion with that which alone concerns me. In His world all things prosper; this satisfies me, and in this belief I stand fast as a rock. . . . My breast is steeled against annoyance on account of personal offencces and vexations, or exultation in personal merit; for my whole personality has  disappeared in tthe contemplation of te purpose of my being.
It is always better to help others even in a simple ways, it could be simple for you but great for others. Always share the good news.