Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17

"Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust." -PS. xl. 4.

That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life." -1 TIM. ii. 2.

JUST to let thy Father do
What He will;
Just to know that He is true,
And be still;
Just to trust Him, this is all!
Then the day will surely be
Peaceful, whatsoe'er befall,
Bright and blessed, calm and free.


EVERY morning compose your soul for a tranquil day, and all through it be careful often to recall your resolution, and bring yourself back to it, so say. If something discomposes you, do not be upset, or troubled; but having discovered the fact, humble yourself gently before God, and try to bring your mind into a quiet attitude. Say to yourself, 'Well, I have made a false step; now I must go more carefully and watchfully.' Do this each time, however frequently you fall. When you are at peace use it profitably, making constant acts of meekness, and seeking to be calm even in the most trifling things. Above all, do not be discouraged; be patient; wait; strive to attain a calm, gentle spirit.

It is always better to help others even in a simple ways, it could be simple for you but great for others. Always share the good news.