Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17

"Beloved, think it is not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings."
1 PETER iv. 12, 13.

WE take with solemn thankfulness
Our burden up, nor ask it less
And count it joy that even we
May suffer, serve or wait for Thee,
Whose will be done!


RECEIVE every inward and outward trouble, any dissapoint, pain and uneasiness, temptation, darkness, and desolation, with both thy hands, as a true opportunity and blessed occassion of dying to self, and entering into a fuller fellowship with thy self-denying, suffering Saviour. Look at no inward or outward trouble in any other view; reject every other thought about it; and then every kind of trialand distress will become the blessed day of thy prosperity. That state is best, which exerciseth the highest faith in, and fullest resignation to God.
It is always better to help others even in a simple ways, it could be simple for you but great for others. Always share the good news.