"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men." GAL. vi. 10
"Let brotherly love continue." -HEB. xiii. 1.
I ask Thee for a thoughtful love,
Through constant watching wise,
To meet meet the glad with joyful smiles,
And to wipe the weeping eyes,
And a heart at leisure from itelf,
Too sooth and sympathize.
Through constant watching wise,
To meet meet the glad with joyful smiles,
And to wipe the weeping eyes,
And a heart at leisure from itelf,
Too sooth and sympathize.
SURELY none are so full of cares, or so poor in gifts, that to them also, waiting patiently and trustfully on God for His daily commands, He will not give direct ministry for Him, increasing according to their strength and their desire. There is so much to be set right in this world, there are si many to be led and helped and comforted, that we must continually come in contact with such in our daily life. Let us only take care, that, by the glance beinh turned inward, or strained onward, or lost in vacant reverie, we do not miss our turn of service, and pass by those to whom we might have been sent on an errand straight from God.
LOOK up and not down; look forward and not back, look out and not in; and lend a hand.