Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26

"The Lord heareth your murmurings, which ye murmur against Him." -EX. xvi. 8.

WITHOUT murmur, uncomplaining,
In His hand,
Leave whatever things thou canst not


ONE great characteristic of holiness is never to be exacting-never to complain. Each complaint drags us down a degree, in our upward course. If you would discern in whom God's spirit dwells, watch that person, and notice whether you ever hear him murmur.


WHEN we wish things to be otherwise than they are, we lose sight of the great practical parts of the life of godliness. We wish, and wish-when, if we have done all that lies on us, we should fall quietly into the hands of God. Such wishing cuts the very sinews of our privileges and consolations. You are leaving me for a time; and you say that you wish you could leave me better, or leave me with some assistance; but, if it is right for you to go, it is right for me to meet what lies on me, without a wish that I had less to meet, or were better able to meet it.

It is always better to help others even in a simple ways, it could be simple for you but great for others. Always share the good news.