Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28

"Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness." -COL. i. 11.

GOD doth not need
Either man's works or His own gifts; who best
Bear His mind yoke, they serve Him best; His state
Is kingly; thousands at  His bidding speed.
And post o'er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.


WE cannot always be doing a great work, but we can always bee doing something that belongs to our condition. To be silent, to suffer, to pray when we cannot act, is acceptable to God. A disappointment, a contradiction, a harsh word, an annoyance, a wrong received and endured as in His presence, is worth more than a long prayer; and we do not lose time if we bear its loss with gentleness and patience, provided the loss was inevitable, and was not caused by our own fault.

It is always better to help others even in a simple ways, it could be simple for you but great for others. Always share the good news.